Education and Development

Education and Development

Dr. Mary DuPuis, Director

Mission Statement

The Chehalis Tribe believes in education, including early education, and is committed to providing comprehensive services including health, family resources and referral services, developmentally appropriate educational opportunities, parent education and a positive support system for the entire family. Every opportunity is made to meet community and individual needs, starting with our Early Childhood Department, including childcare and Head Start through Higher Education and Vocational Rehabilitation.

Chehalis Tribal Early Learning Program – Head Start (HS), Early Head Start (EHS) and Child Care (CC)

(360) 273-5514 – Main phone line

The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation has operated and provided quality Head Start (HS) services since 1963, and added Early Head Start (EHS) services in 2004. Every opportunity is made to meet community and individual needs, starting with our Early Learning Program, which includes childcare (CC) services, Early Head Start and Head Start.

Early Head Start offers educational services for children age 6 weeks until they turn 3 years old, at which time they are transitioned into Head Start. EHS has four classrooms Scatter Creek, Harris Creek, Davis Creek and the Rainbow Falls Room. Thirty-two slots serve children ages 6 weeks until the turn 3 years old. Three slots serve pregnant moms.

Head Start serves children ages 3 years old to 5 years old. HS has three classrooms Black River, Chehalis River and Satsop River. Students who qualify for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) may receive early intervention services on site, at the Head Start, provided by the local school district.

Child Care operates as a wraparound childcare program with services provided after-school (EHS/HS) Monday through Thursday and all-day Friday during the school year and Monday through Friday during the summer.

School closures

The Early Learning Program follows the Oakville School District closure schedule for inclement weather. If the Oakville School District is closed for inclement weather, the Early Learning Program will also be closed. Please watch or listen to your local news program during inclement weather to determine if the school will be open.

Occasionally, the Early Learning Program will close for mandatory staff trainings and/or Chehalis Tribal closures, including unplanned or emergency closures. We try to notify families as soon as possible regarding closures.

Higher Education

(360) 709-1698 – Higher Education Coordinator, Racheal Mendez

Eligible Tribal Members, who have completed their high school diploma, or equivalency, and are enrolled in any education program which meets the scholarship requirements, may be eligible to receive a Chehalis Tribal Scholarship. The number of scholarships available varies annually.

For students interested in applying for the Scholarship, there are some key things to know:

  • All students are required to apply for free financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available at,
  • All students must complete a Chehalis Tribal Scholarship application prior to the deadline for the quarter or semester in which they wish to enroll, and
  • Students must apply for three alternative funding sources

Click here to download Scholarship application

Deadline dates for Scholarship awards at semester schools are: August 1st and December 1st
Deadline dates are for schools on the quarter system are: September 1st, November 1st and March 1st.

Vocational Rehabilitation

(360) 709 – 1702 – Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Carol Strader

The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Program assists eligible persons with physical and/or mental impairments that impact their ability to work, prepare for, and achieve an employment outcome. The TVR process is based on an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) with the goal of obtaining full-time, part-time, seasonal, self-employment or supported employment consistent with the individual’s strengths, traditional values and beliefs, resources, priorities, concerns, capabilities, interests and informed choice.

Native Americans who meet the criteria listed above and are enrolled in a federally recognized tribe may be eligible for services if they reside within the service area of the Chehalis Tribe and are associated with our Tribal community. The program will also work closely with the Washington State Vocational Rehabilitation program to identify eligible Native American clients that are not being served under the state program due to cultural barriers.

Services provided to individuals with disabilities must be necessary to overcome substantial barriers to employment and must be provided as cost effectively as possible

Click here to download Vocation Rehabilitation PDF application

Click here: Fill out a Vocation Rehabilitation online application

The Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation

Call information at +1 (360) 273-5911.
We can help you get in touch with the right party.